We seek the Australian Government’s assistance in developing practical and achievable solutions to factors currently affecting beef producers’ profitability. Direct engagement with the sector is needed. Red tape, biosecurity, debt levels, supply chain competition and ageing infrastructure are just some of the factors that continue to impact the profitability of businesses.
Market Access
About 76% of total production is exported to more than 80 countries. We seek the Australian Government’s ongoing commitment to building trade access to new and emerging economies as well as advancing existing Free Trade Agreement negotiations in key markets. Fair, equitable and accessible trade is vital to sustaining good returns and mitigating risk for Australian cattle producers in our international markets. In 2019 Australia’s multibillion-dollar industry is the second largest beef and veal exporter after Brazil and contributes approximately 3% of the world’s total beef supply.
Integrity and Traceability Systems
To ensure access to these markets is not compromised, CA is working to ensure all livestock sectors have traceability and identification systems that meet the National Livestock Traceability Performance Standards.
Environmental Sustainability
We support policy that rewards and promotes environmental stewardship on-farm to ensure the industry has a resilient and profitable future. We work closely with the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework (ABSF) and provide the link to the industry that ensures the ABSF provides a valuable reflection of the industry’s progress. We recognise opportunities in a lower-carbon economy and work with stakeholders to overcome the challenges and create new opportunities and income streams for cattle producers.
Capacity Building
Cattle Australia runs a number of programs to build leadership capacity and understanding of the Australian Beef Cattle Industry. This includes the NAB Rising Champions Initiative, the Rural Awareness tour, and through other international organisations such as the International Beef Alliance.
Animal Welfare
The highest standards of Animal Welfare are a priority for the industry and CA continues to endorse world’s best practice in domestic supply chains and supports the good work being done by the industry by continuing to improve animal welfare standards with our live trade partners through Australia’s one-of-a-kind Export Supply Chain Assurance System, or ESCAS.